On one's mettle

You know what I admire about people?

The things we do.

The things we do which we once thought we couldn't, or wouldn't.

We needed some pushings here and some pullings there.
We needed to be stretched to a certain extent before having the guts to do the things we thought we will never be able or willing to do.

When we finally found the audacity to do these things, the fear and timidity will fade.
And the rate of which they fade makes us wonder why didn't we discover the grit and the nerve earlier, for we wouldn't have to suffer through the agony.

Unrestrained. Emancipated. Relieved.

But until then, until we can find that perfect dose of gallantry, the anguish continues...


SHARYQ said...

In any case if there's any courage left and you didn't want to use it yet, may I borrow some?

Gosh...I couldn't see the dateline just yet. And I kept thinking bout it whole nite again..Damn.Space shots rides are so much easier!!

Jaryn said...

im sure u will do great, babe!

u have all my love n support!