The road, taken?

It seemed like yesterday when I received my UPSR results. My mother had known it first from my teacher, and when she told me, I remember literally jumping up and down with joy.

Then the next thing I knew, it was time for my PMR results. I got six A's and one B, and I cried like a hungry little baby the whole day. When you are in a school like SGGS where almost everyone excels, trust me, not getting straight A's made you feel like the dumbest person on Earth. I felt so devastated. Now that I think about it, I probably should not be so hard on myself. But I know it was all part of growing up and learning to be strong.

Then came the SPM results doomsday, and A-Levels, and so on.


Here I am. A graduate. At crossroads.

"And be one traveler, long I stood
And looked down one as far as I could"

It is really an exciting and captivating spot to be in. Financial independence is foremost crucial for me. But the fact that I will finally be out there in the real world now, out of my comfort zone, is what makes me feel alive. To meet new people, to learn new things. To do things I usually do not do. It must have been a spectacular phase of life for most. How can it not be. It would and should and could have worked wonders to your soul.

Yet somehow, it all seems appealingly obsolete. Change is always a hard thing. The laws of inertia is probably one of the most practical laws of Physics for me, haha! Going to college, knowing I have my amazing friends around me, laughing, making jokes, playing pranks on others, paying (or rather, not) attention in class. Ahh it's nothing but over.

Time to finally fly. Set sail into the big big ocean.

"Oh, I marked the first for another day!
Yet knowing how way leads on to way"

I have dreams that I don't want to see remain as dreams. This might seem like a small step for me now, but it is the one step that will, I believe with all my heart, that will lead me to rewarding days.


Sabrina foo said...

jaryn dear, it does definately sounded much like my feelings n thoughts u wrote!crossroad it is.we will do great n europe tour remember??hahahhaha

SHARYQ said...

So proud of u dear.. and congrats for ur first job! Kudos to financial independence and all the best joining the workforce ;)

Jaryn said...

sab the gorgeous babe!! Sigh really crossroads.hehehehe.. and yeaaaa europe and european guys!!!! wait for us!!

sharon darl thankkkkks!!!!!! love youuu, see you sooooon!!

Anonymous said...

Sound touching...yeah

Unknown said...

congrats my dear!! europe? count me in!!! :P
ive got my PASSPOT ready!!

mie said...

wowww lovely lady... hope everything turns out smoothly for u k...

Jaryn said...

thanks girls!!

i miss you all!!