I am a fan of this charming gentleman, so I am pouring myself a glass of champagne tonight.

As an avid fan of politics (home or elsewhere), I have been following this Election since the beginning.
It's bittersweet for me now that America have finally elected their new leader.
(Bitter because no more Palin-lookalikes humour to entertain me!
Or maybe there still will be?)

I watched the video of Obama's winning speech a few times, trying to digest it all in.
What a speech. What a victory. It has been a long long journey.
It was the USA's election surely, not Malaysia's,
but nobody escapes from this eventful moment in time.

Being a Malaysian, where our country is multiracial, I cannot help but give out a wide grin knowing that the President of the USA is an African American.
A simple glimmer of hope indeed.
Will Malaysia ever have a Chinese or Indian PM?
Or a woman PM?
I promise I will pour myself the whole freaking bottle of champagne if one of these becomes reality.

It was a victory for the Americans, yes.
But it was also for mankind in general in some ways.

This is not the end, but the beginning.
Obama now begins his journey where not only the Americans, but the WORLD - will be waiting, looking, and hoping.

P.S: Do go to BBC.co.uk to read more in-depth intelligent articles about this election! And do not miss out on his winning speech.

1 comment:

SHARYQ said...

Oo..thanks dear for posting this up. I got so busy that I lost track of their election. This man is clearly making a mark and having his name up on the history board.

And yea, if the Americans are able to accept him..I was wondering if there will be a day where a multiracial country like ours are able to accept the other races as the PM?
Hmmm..answer's pretty obvious, ain't it? :P