Do you believe in magic?

I'm not referring to those where the white little rabbit disappears from the hat and then appears on your lap, or where your wallet disappears from your pocket and ends up in the docket. Not even the one where the Statue of Liberty vanishes or the scantily-dressed-big-breasted woman being cut into half. 

Nop, not these perfectly planned and executed stage performances.

I'm speaking those of unexplained terms; but not in the scary ghostly way but in the most unbelievably incredibly beautiful manner. The type of magic that warms your heart, soothens your soul. The kind that butters your blessed life with even more blessings you never thought you could have. The kind that we don't need any more explanations just because we don't need any because's. 

Have you got your magic? 

The moment(s) in time where you see just how life is just so wonderfully cliched only magic could've made it so. And that even if you could turn back time to change one thing, anything, you wouldn't want to. Just because everything happens for magical reasons we will one day discover. That each turns, each up's and each down's in life are little magic event that makes everything this much special.

Do you believe in magic?

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