I wana be a rock star!

I have been listening to a lot of songs lately. Not that I have not been listening to a lot of songs all these while. HAHA. And no, not my existing playlist kind of songs, but songs that I conveniently and carelessly did not listen, because maybe I did not have them for one, and also due to committments to studies and parties. (They rhyme! HAHA again.)

Also, I have been playing all three versions of I Will Be on my computer over and over again. You didn't know there are three versions of it? Yeah there are three versions of it. First one is by Leona Lewis. Second by Avril Lavinge. And the third version? A duet between these two.

I love all three. Like how you and I love Baskins. Jamoca Almond Fudge, Mango Tango or World Class Chocolate? How can we possibly decide?

I connect to this song (all three versions) in a rather funny way. You might not get it. Because I shall leave the innermost thoughts to my old-style diary. But for sake's sake, let's just say it is a bit like how a hot-blooded-and-cash-loaded-30-year-old-bling-bling-rapper's latest bikini's-on-what-it-seems-all-lookalikes-especially-their-pouty-lips-babes music video connects to an equally-horny-14-year-old-virgin-nerd. A little bedazzling? Tell me about it.

So what's in a good song?

A good song resembles a best friend. That one soul who soothes you. That one person who can stay awake with you all night long. Without any complaints. Heck, not even a little yawn. The song accompanies you during your most joyful, sorrowful, stressful, wonderful times.


Feel like dancing naked in your room, and need a dance partner? Speed-dial that one song!

Feel like wanting to pretend you are Katy Perry in her Thinking of You music video just so you can pretend you are riding a bicycle with the insanely-cute-Matt-Dallas? Speed-dial that one song!

So, until I can sing a song without going off-pitch.......


I'm off to be my own Mariah.


Anonymous said...


i luv dat song!!

n i luv u 2...

Jaryn said...

i luv you too tampukleng!!!